Optimize your English for business . . .


If English is your second language, one of the biggest challenges is not having a chance to use it regularly.  With any language, if you don’t use it, you will lose it.  This is something I hear all the time from my clients, and they all share a common challenge –

“We don’t get a chance to use our English often enough to keep our skills fresh, and there is no chance to practice, improve or develop further.”

My name is Karl, a New Zealander living together with my family in The Netherlands.  Over the last 10-plus years, I have helped clients across Europe with their business English learning.  Previously, with a career in the global IT industry spanning more than 30 years, I have had first-hand experience using English as a business communication tool, having worked with clients across Europe, America, and the Asia Pacific region.  This experience and background allow me to provide business English coaching for my clients, and also to help with practical business tasks such as preparing and practising for business presentations, business negotiations, or just keeping their spoken business English fresh and up-to-date.

To find out more about my rates, and what I can offer you as a client, plus some frequently asked questions, etc., have a look at my “Services” page. 

Check out my Blog posts.  You will find articles about unusual words, idioms, grammar tips and other informative language-related articles.  The library of articles is increasing, and I know you will find them informative and entertaining.  If you would like to stay informed, sign up for my monthly newsletter on the blog page. 

If you think you would like to have a no-obligation discussion about your English requirements and how I could help you to optimize your English for business, then click on the “Let’s do it” button below. Drop me a line with your email address and I will be in contact.


Don’t Just Take My Word For It

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