2022 Word of the Year

2022 Word of the Year

Well, here I am with the first month of 2023 over.  It demonstrates the discipline required to write a regular blog post, but I am determined to be more organized – time will tell.  The end of one year and the start of another always starts with lots of good intentions and New Year’s resolutions. …



Welcome to the IEBC Blog post.  My objective is to provide you with a varied menu of entertaining and informative English language-related posts.  English is a greedy language, absorbing and borrowing words from all over, and it can be both frustrating and quirky at the same time.  I will have several categories, from unusual words…



Ignominious – not a word that is really part of our daily vocabulary, but sometimes certain political or global events force a word into the spotlight of the global media.  This is one such case, as I am writing this approximately two weeks after the ignominious resignation of the shortest ruling British prime minister, Ms…

Water under the bridge

Water under the bridge

water under the bridge – this is always one of my favourite examples to demonstrate what an idiom is.  Regardless of which language you are learning when you speak to a native speaker,  trying to understand their idiomatic language is challenging, especially with a group of native speakers. An idiom is a group of words…



Kerfuffle – It would appear that I am not the only person to have a fondness for this word. Maybe it is the images that it conjures up in our heads of agitated people, getting hot and bothered, excited and passionate about something that is, probably not really that important.  One of my favourite images…